Ultra Sonic Teeth Cleaning

Why is Your Pets Oral Health so Important ?
What is an Ultra Sonic Teeth Cleaning?
Did you Know Dental Hygiene is just as important for your pet as it is for you? Keeping your pets teeth clean helps prevent plaque build up. Left untreated plaque build up can cause Dental Disease, Loss of Teeth and Infection. Once Infection sets in it can enter the bloodstream wreaking Havoc on your pets internal organs such as their heart, lungs, and kidneys.

Emmi®-pet ultrasonic dental care appeals to cats and dogs. The patented hygiene system for teeth and mouth was developed to fulfill the needs of cats and dogs. It cleans teeth and gums silently and without any motion.
Plaque and bacteria are removed gently without any scrubbing or humming, by 96 million ultrasonic air vibrations per minute.
Via the ultrasonic vibrations contaminates are transported outward and thus teeth and gums are cleansed thoroughly and gently
no chance for bad breath, dental calculus or gum diseases
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